Have the ability to support
Mission Areas across the Virtual SysCom including but not limited to: Warfare
Systems; Ships and Ship Systems; Machinery Systems; Combat Systems;
Electronic Warfare and Littoral Warfare Systems; Undersea Warfare (USW)
Weapons and Vehicles; Undersea Warfare (USW) Ranges, Analyses, and
Assessments; Undersea Warfare (USW) Fleet Material Readiness; Mine Warfare
Systems; Shipboard Networks; Defense and Homeland Security; Quality and
Material, defense combat systems engineering & integration, full spectrum
radio frequency communications systems engineering, maritime, ocean, and
atmospheric operations and
engineering, software development for mine and expeditionary warfare,
full lifecycle engineering for hardware, software, and weapon systems,
product ruggedization and light production, port surveillance and security
systems engineering and integration, Readiness Assessment; Logistics Support
Analysis; ILS Planning and Management; Systems Safety, Explosive Safety,
Facility Management and Planning, Environmental Compliance, and Occupational
Safety; Web-based Business Applications, Information Assurance, and IT
infrastructure support. |