Company Name: Camber Corporation
Business Size: Large
Seaport-e Point of Contact: Dawn Tolson 101 Strauss Ave, Indian Head, MD 20640-5035 Phone: 301-744-4469/301-744-4246 Email:
Link to Seaport-e website, if applicable:
Functional Areas Supported: 3.1-3.5; 3.7; 3.10-3.14; 3.16-3.19
Zones Supported (1 - 7):
Brief Description of Capabilities:
Camber is a leading provider of centralized sustainment services for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosives (CBRNE) equipment used for Force Protection operations, logistics, information technology, engineering, and advanced training capabilities and solutions. Camber brings over 20 years of highly successful CBRNE program support to include Contractor Logistics Support (CLS) services for many of the CBRNE and force protection systems currently fielded and deployed.   
Complete the below table for the last 3 years service experience:
Contract/TO Number Ordering Activity/Program/Customer Zone Seaport-e Functional Area Brief Description of Scope or Deliverables
N00178-05-D-4231/ TO FG07 Preston Martin   Technical and Engineering Support Services Since contract award, we have provided training and exercise support to the USMC installation protection program for 22 locations both CONUS and OCONUS.  Our Regional CBRN Evaluation Training Teams have conducted over 66 baseline and 3 advanced training courses to 2,350 personnel, and received a score of 4.68 out of 5.00 on student surveys and critiques. Our advanced training has produced over 100 nationally recognized certifications for First Responders on USMC installations within the CBRN IPP.