Company Name: AirTec,Inc.
Business Size: Small
Seaport-e Point of Contact: Steve Bildman 301-373-2101
Link to Seaport-e website, if applicable:
Functional Areas Supported: 3.1, 3.2, 3.14, and 3.15
Zones Supported (1 - 7): 2
Brief Description of Capabilities:
For over twelve years Airtec has acted as the primary maritime radar surveillance aircraft for the Atlantic Test Range, Atlantic Fleet Exercise Coordination Center, the Pacific Missile Test Range, NAWCAD, NAWCWD, and NASA Wallops Island Facility.  Other recent projects include performing radar flight testing for Telephonics Corporation and the Counter Narco-Terrorism Technology Program Office, providing Standard Navy Target Control (SNTC) relay for BQM-74E target drones, conducting flight test in support of the Carrier Landing Systems Office for VX-23, range clearing for Fleet Forces Atlantic Exercise Coordination Center (FFAECC) and acting as Air Intercept Control (AIC) targets for Fleet Opposition Force exercises. Our mission readiness rate has been 97% over the previous five years.
Complete the below table for the last 3 years service experience:
Contract/TO Number Ordering Activity/Program/Customer Zone Seaport-e Functional Area Brief Description of Scope or Deliverables
See website